N3BB Guest Operators
Guest Operators who have operated contests from the N3BB station include
the following:
1993 WPX CW / WB5VZL (K5TR) George Fremin & N3BB
1991 ARRL DX SSB Contest / Ed Moody N3ED & Dave Harper WD5N
1988 WPX SSB Contest / N3BB with Trey Garlough WN4KKN & Pete Nance N5TR
More guest operator pictures on the way!
KB1CM, James Brooks (now 9V1YC)
N3AD, Alan Donziger (my team mate at S563X in WRTC 2000)
N3ED, Ed Moody
WS4G, Pete Brunet
WN4KKN and N5KO, Trey Garlough
AA5BT, Derek Will
NZ5C, Richard Thorne
N5DU, Bob Evans (now K5WA)
AB5EB, Michael Crownover
N5GM, Damon Ginbey
AD5K, Mike Crownover
WD5N, Dave Harper
K5NA, Richard King
K5PI, Robert Brandon
WR5Q, W.C. Spenn
AA5RB and N5LT Russ Rinn
W5RQA, Michael Spenn
N5TR, Peter Nance
K5TSQ, Ken Quin
N5TW, Tom Whiteside
WB5VZL and K5TR, George Fremin
AF5Z, Bob Helms
N0DH Dave Henderson (now NR1DX)
Out of town visitors to the N3BB station have included:
K1ZZ, N2EA, WB2P (now K2TK), W3BGN, KI3V, KE5IV, W5JQ, K5LZO (SK), K5RC,
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